The Problem With Money


The biggest problem surrounding money is the lack of knowledge on how to spend and save it!

This is a topic that lies very close to home as it is such valuable knowledge that can literally save you years of heartache, stress and grief.

Schools force learners to take a subject called Life Orientation for their entire school career and insist on teaching pupils skills they’ll never use. Why are we not taking the valuable time we are forcing students to sit down and listen, to teach actual life skills!

Why aren’t we teaching tax in schools? Why aren’t we teaching budgeting, wealth creation and smart financial decision making in schools? We live in a poverty stricken first world country and no one is standing up and helping to grow a new, educated, money savvy generation.

Wealth is a success vehicle that can and should be created as soon as possible. There is no such thing as “later” or “I’m too young”. Parents don’t talk to their children about money and because of that kids grow up to be adults who don’t know what a good salary is, don’t know how to prepare for inflation and don’t have enough to ever retire. The uneducated poverty stricken cycle thus continues.

Let’s make a change! Let’s talk about money, because if you don’t, the next generation won’t either.

Being Rich vs. Acting Rich


Have you ever noticed how some of the richest people in the world live such mediocre lives, yet those who live lavish lifestyles don’t really have a lot of capital? It’s the basic principle of being rich vs. acting rich.

Warren Buffet plans his breakfast meals according to the stock market each morning. If the stocks did well, he’ll have a slightly bigger breakfast, if the stocks dropped, he’ll have a slightly smaller breakfast. Why on earth would one of the richest men in the world need to do that? The answer is, he doesn’t, but he understands the concept of living within his budget.

Rich people are rich because they find ways to save money. They buy less unnecessary “wants” with instant gratification like take-out and they find ways to settle their debts quicker. In the end, they have a clear focus on the bigger picture, rather than focusing on impulse buys.

Ideally you’d want to live debt free as quickly as possible. This means cutting your budget to live well under your means and paying back your debts twice as fast. This way, you lose out on all the extras in the short term, but in the long run you’d have saved thousands on interest alone.

That’s why you often see people who are money rich wearing hand-me-downs and driving reliable cars because they understand the value of actual money and they make sure that they save as much of it as possible.

People who buy flashy and expensive things have an inferiority complex and find the need to show off due to society’s pressures. You should only compare yourself to you, or you’ll live a life off endless stress inducing debt just to “keep up with the Joneses”.

The short answer is this – Live below your means, pay off your debts as quickly as possible and put as much money away as you can into savings and investments. That’s how you’ll be truly rich!

The choice is yours. Do you want to live a life of endless stress but have all the latest technology and face the chance of losing everything anyway? Or do you want to live a stress free, debt free life with real money in investments that keep multiplying and own everything you have?

Make sure you plan the smart way… contact us today for help and advice on becoming financially smart!